
500 A.D. – 1400 A.D.

The Siege of Goa – 1342 AD

Invited by a disgruntled prince wanting to depose his father, an Islamic Sultan sieged a major Hindu city. He sailed south three days and entered the harbor of Sandabur-Goa with his army of armored cavalry and infantry. Catapults of massive stone were flung out from the harbor, but the sultan’s army made it ashore. Those who were not slaughtered fled into the king’s palace, which the sultan set on fire, forcing a surrender. Fighting over the city would persist for approximately two more years between this Islamic Bahmani Sultanate and the Hindu Kadambas Dynasty, but ultimately would fall to the Sultan for 15 years before returning to Hindu rule.

The Travels of Ibn Battuta

In 1325 AD, Ibn Battuta left home in Morocco at the age of 22 to travel the world, not to return home for another 25 years. From China to Timbuktu, India and Siberia, the deserts of Arabia and the oceans of paradise, he saw more of the world than any other human being on earth. Thus, making him one of the greatest travelers in human history.

The Medieval Maldives

The 14th century Maldives were ruled by a mighty queen, participated in international trade, maintained their ancient traditions while also converting to Islam, and kept up their paradise despite the coming and goings of foreigners.

The City of Daulatabad

In the 14th century, the Sultan of Delhi moved his capital to Western India for seven years so that he could wage war and conquer the area. The city was filled with merchants, mystics, scholars, and singers and was stocked rich full of jewels and fruits.

Astrolabes and Astrobabes

In the 13th century city of Khanbaliq (modern: Beijing), the science of astronomy was funded and encouraged by the Mongol Emperor Kublai Khan in order to advance the art of astrology. Many other arts were popular in that city as well.

Sultan Tughluq the Bullied

Sultan Tughluq was one of the Sultans of Delhi, an imperial Islamic kingdom in 14th century India. He was violent and foolish and no one liked him. However, his bad government policies persisted since he continuously waged war on the peoples of the Indian sub-continent. The citizens of Delhi, though, had a funny way of fighting back.